The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, ranked by US News as one of the top private colleges in the country
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, ranked by US News as one of the top private colleges in the country
To develop for Cooper’s nascent communications training program CONNECT, content development programming to assist students in the creation of well organized, persuasive material for both in-class and professional presentations
Elements of Communication: Content, a targeted, school-relevant workshop where students are trained in the use of Focus Notes, an easy-to-use tool for organizing material efficiently, logically and persuasively, with an emphasis on how best to meet the needs and expectations of a given audience in relation to a particular topic.
Focus Notes enable students to organize and articulate their ideas succinctly and persuasively, while serving as both a memory device and reference notes. Often the students labor over points that are not critical to their argument, adding in extraneous visuals, and ultimately losing sight of their original purpose, as well as the audience’s attention. Focus Notes encourage students to clarify their key premise or argument, and the points necessary to back it up, while decreasing dramatically the time involved in creating the presentation.